The Things You Do For Love

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I’m not a hardcore gamer, but I have my type of game that I enjoy, and I have a decent gaming rig. I’m all about the RPG’s, and my love/hate relationship with World of Warcraft. And tomorrow is finally the day Baldurs Gate 3 finally comes out of early access and I can finally play the full game. So you know what I’ll be playing!

Fall Guys.

That’s not a typo. My darling daughter, the apple of my eye, the bane of my life, has somehow gotten through my fear and loathing of online competetive games. So in the evenings she cuddles up with me on my chair and watches me play Fall Guys. She gives me commands, and chooses how my character looks, everything really, except do the challenges (you know, the hard part). She is only 4 though, so she gets a pass for now.

Fall Guys guy!
Trust me, I’m not a strawberry Sundae by choice

Apparently, I need to find a way for my little dude to be a unicorn. Which I have no idea how to do. I don’t even know if it’s possible. I’ve seen capybaras, but no unicorns.

I should just be happy it’s not Roblox. Right?

Ok, ok, it is kind of fun, and I don’t think I am actually too bad at it. Which may be because I’m playing against little kids for all I know. It takes some hand eye co-ordination which isn’t always easy for me, but it’s not too punishing. And there’s been know rude private messages calling me a scrub, which is a plus. It’s harmless fun anyway, and if I can share my interests with my daughter then it is all worth it. Heaven knows my husband will be taking her to antiques fairs before I know it!

Now escuse me, I have to go and run weird obstacle courses for she-who-must-be-obeyed’s amusement.

© Game & Able 2022