A prequel to Buelhman’s earlier novel, The Blacktongue Thief, The Daughters War is the story of Galva, the ferocious Raven Knight that will later be a companion to Kinch. But in this tale, she’s a young women, part of an untested unit, partnered with two giant War Corvids; Monsterous birds created by magic to fight in a desperate war.
Whilst firmly in Grimdark territory, The Blacktongue Thief was still darkly humerous. Mainly down to Kinch, the titular thief, also being darkly humerous. Galva is a much different character. She’s 20 years old and fighting in a war against Goblins that has raged for years. A war that has resulted in the death of so many sons, daughters are now called up to fight. Being witness to so much horror, she’s more reserved. She’s also much more reserved and honorable, and the tone of the book reflects that.
Galva is not the only family member fighting ih this seemigly endless war. Her three brothers are also in the war, leading to some interesting family dynamics. Galva wasn’t supposed to join up, she did so against her families wishes, and the book deals with the consequences of this choice.
The Goblins in The Daughters War are an interesting new take on the race. Goblins come from somewhere simply known as ‘Beyond’ and are utterly alien. Their bodies don’t rot like regular corpses. Coldly logcial and intelligent, they see humans as nothing more than meat, and treat them like cattle. The war is against a foe that will not just kill a person, they will defile them after death. Hell, they even transport humans in cages as food for their armies.
The War Corvids are
The Daughters War is not a lighthearted read. There is some humour, but it’s a different to The Blacktongue Thief. It’s much starker, set during a horrific war, not after it. Galva is a brilliantly fleshed out character, and I loved learning more about her. And to say that the war corvids are brutal, unpredictable giant birds, I still found myself attatched to them.
If you like your dark fantasy more bitter than sweet, this book is for you. If you prefer things to be more light, then I’d give it a miss. But personally, I loved it. Can’t wait to see if Buehlman writes more in this setting.
final verdict:
Thank You to Tor/Gollancz and NetGalley for sending this eARC in exchange for my honest review
The Daughters’ War (2024)
The goblins have killed all of our horses and most of our men.
They have enslaved our cities, burned our fields, and still they wage war.
Now, our daughters take up arms.
Galva – Galvicha to her three brothers, two of whom the goblins will kill – has defied her family’s wishes and joined the army’s untested new unit, the Raven Knights. They march toward a once-beautiful city overrun by the goblin horde, accompanied by scores of giant war corvids. Made with the darkest magics, these fearsome black birds may hold the key to stopping the goblins in their war to make cattle of mankind.
The road to victory is bloody, and goblins are clever and merciless. The Raven Knights can take nothing for granted – not the bonds of family, nor the wisdom of their leaders, nor their own safety against the dangerous war birds at their side.
But some hopes are worth any risk.
Published: Jun 27 2024