Don’t Be A Dick – Wesley Crusher Style

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My motto in life is simple: Don’t Be A Dick. Don’t like something that someone else does? That’s fine. But don’t be a dick about it. Flubbed the all important dice roll and your Rogue triggered every trap in the dungeon? Yeah, it sucks, but don’t be a dick about it. Had you ass handed to you in multiplayer on your favourite game? I feel you, but don’t be a dick about it. Handed someone their ass in multiplayer in your favourite game? Good game! But guess what… Don’t be a dick about it.

This is Wheaton’s Law, and the world would be a better place if more followed it.

Ive been a Wesley Crusher fangirl since I discovered Star Trek The Next Generation in the early 90s. And by extension I’m a huge Wil Wheaton fan. His honesty about his mental health struggles have helped me deal with my own. So as a firm believer in Wheaton’s Law. So I decided to do a design that is the best of both worlds. Hope you guys like it!

© Game & Able 2022