Sorry for the Absence

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Sorry for the absence. I’ve not been around since before Christmas, mainly due to family illness, work commitments and the fact that Xmas stresses me the hell out. Not that anyone actually reads this blog, but hey, I’m doing this for myself.

So, what have I been doing?

One of the things that happened over the Christmas period is I picked up a 3D Printer. I first had a Flashforge Adventure 3 Pro PLA/ABS printer, which was fun, but it broke down and had to be returned. So I decided to pay a bit extra and get a resin 3D printer, and settled on a Elegoo Saturn 8K. And it is SO MUCH FUN!! Ok, it’s kind of stinky, and there is a learning curve to using it, but I’ve printed off a few RPG Minis and some bigger models, and the results are beautiful. And I’ve only injured myself using it once! (Scrappers and build plates are sharp!)

Demon Hunter bust done on Elegoo Saturn 8K

Podcasts, podcasts everywhere!

I’ve also been listening to a lot of podcasts, mainly Rabbits, Tanis and The Last Movie, all by Terry Miles. I’ve been finding listening to music whilst working a bit boring, so I’ve been listening to podcasts instead. I like the way they are all kind of interconnected, and I want to be like Meerkatnip (MK) as she is kind of cool. I wouldn’t know where to start though!

Terry Miles has also written an excellent novel set in the Rabbits universe, and has a second novel coming out later this year. Now if I could just get a copy of the Malacetic Atlas my life would be complete. And probably a lot shorter, lol.

As for the health stuff, my husband ended up with pneumonia after a a bad cold and was very ill for two weeks, and it seems that my daughter, who will be 4 next week (4!!, where did the time go?!!) is showing signs of being Neurodivergent which has been picked up at nursery school. So we are looking into assessments and help for her. I just want her to be happy, and there’s a lot of mum guilt there, but I am sure she will be just fine.

© Game & Able 2022