Gotham Knights: Not a review

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I can’t review Gotham Knights. I have been looking forward to the game for months now. I loved Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham games on consoles, so Gotham Knights drew me in. So I happily pre-ordered the game and waited with baited breath for Friday 21st October. I had a hell of a job deciding whether I […]

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Don’t Be A Dick – Wesley Crusher Style

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My motto in life is simple: Don’t Be A Dick. Don’t like something that someone else does? That’s fine. But don’t be a dick about it. Flubbed the all important dice roll and your Rogue triggered every trap in the dungeon? Yeah, it sucks, but don’t be a dick about it. Had you ass handed […]

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Anesidora is Old: What Happened to Arcades?

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When I was a little girl in the ’80s one of the biggest treats was going to Morecambe with my parents and being allowed to spend time in the Arcades there. Some of my fondest memories are of playing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, Double Dragon and Golden Axe, whilst my older brother […]

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Secret Cinema: Guardians of the Galaxy

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On the 15th September I joined my sister and her family for a jaunt across the universe to Contraxia to take part in the Gathering of the Clans. Also known as a secret venue in Wembley, London, for the latest Secret Cinema experience. For those not in the know, (seems to be most people I’ve […]

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Review: Steelrising

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It’s 1779, and in this Steampunk alternate history, King Louis XVI stopped the French revolution. He may not have lost his head to the guillotine, but he’s lost his head in a totally different way and his mechanical army is butchering the people of Paris. Marie Antoinette has been hidden away outside the city for […]

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Review: Gloomwood

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Gloomwood is a new game by New Blood Interactive that’s currently in Early Access on Steam. It’s described as a ” stealth horror FPS”, but I prefer to call ’em ‘sneaky sneaky, stabby stabby’. I’ve been into this sort of a game a while now, since Thief and Dishonored, so I decided to give this a […]

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Two Weeks to Go… Secret Cinema!

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Being blessed with much slightly* older siblings I was exposed to 80’s pop culture way earlier than other kids my age. My earliest memories of Christmas as a child was Star Wars: A New Hope being on tv at Christmas, and Return of the Jedi being on tv at New Years (The Empire Strikes Back […]

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When being casual isn’t a choice; World of Warcraft vs Final Fantasy XIV

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My first experience of online gaming was back in the early 2000’s when I was a DM on a Neverwinter Nights server called the Mists of Kysostar. It was fun, but the server slowly died as most players jumped ship to a new game: World of Warcraft. And despite swearing I’d never play a subscription […]

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Welcome to Game & Able!

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Hello! Welcome to my new blog; Game & Able. I’m your host, Anesidora, make yourself at home. I’m a 40-something game loving, RPG playing, reading addicted mother of one, who happens to be disabled. But don’t let that put you off, because I don’t! I’m still working on the site, but will be adding more […]

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