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Review: Dead Space Remake (PC)

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Dead Space Remake: sponsored by Tena Lady (TM) Ok, not really, but Tena Lady are really missing a trick here. Bladder weakness + Survival Horror games = huge untapped market. But enough about feminine hygiene, lets get onto the game. I remember the heady days of 2008. OK, my first marriage had ended and I […]

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Review: Evil West

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CowBoys vs Vampires. What’s not to love? Forget Daniel Craig and Cowboys Vs Aliens, with Evil West, Flying Wild Hog has brought us Electro-Steampunk Cowboys taking on Vampires in this old school third person shooter. It’s colourful, it’s loud, it’s cheesy… It’s like being back in the old PS2 days. If ‘splodey cartoon gore is […]

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Secret Cinema: Guardians of the Galaxy

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On the 15th September I joined my sister and her family for a jaunt across the universe to Contraxia to take part in the Gathering of the Clans. Also known as a secret venue in Wembley, London, for the latest Secret Cinema experience. For those not in the know, (seems to be most people I’ve […]

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